Movement off axis: colgadas, volcadas, using hips weigh

Lorena Gonzalez Cattaneo and Gaston Camejo

Power of hips for complex movements El poder de la cadera en movimientos complejos El rol del pivot en sacadas profundas

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Movement off axis: colgadas, volcadas, using hips weigh

Movement off axis: colgadas, volcadas, using hips weigh

Embark on a thrilling exploration of Argentine Tango’s off-axis movements at the May Tango Festival with the captivating workshop Movement Off Axis: Colgadas, Volcadas, Using Hip Weight, led by the dynamic duo Lorena Gonzalez Cattaneo and Gaston Camejo. In this 1.5-hour session conducted in English, participants will dive deep into the enchanting world of colgadas and volcadas, two mesmerizing techniques that defy gravity and convention. Discover the artful balance between stability and fluidity as you learn to harness the weight of your hips to create stunning off-axis movements that captivate the eye and stir the soul. Through guided instruction and immersive practice, uncover the secrets of maintaining control and connection while exploring the edges of Tango’s physical boundaries. Whether you’re a seasoned dancer hungry for new challenges or a curious novice eager to expand your repertoire, this workshop promises an exhilarating journey into the realm of artistic expression and innovation.

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