
22-25.05.2025| Zabrze, Poland

Registration opens 14.02

May Tango Festival Registration

How it goes

  1. Complete the registration form. Note: please check that your email address is entered correctly.
  2. Wait for a reply message with information about acceptance and the account number for payment. If you have not received any message from us within 14 days of sending the form, please check your Spam or contact us. You can do so by phone or e-mail.
  3. Make a payment and wait for confirmation. It should arrive within 7 days.

Price thresholds

Valentine's Day Gifts:
14/02 at 20:00 to 16/02 at 20:00

Early birds:
16/02 at 20:00 to 5/04 at 20:00

Friendly Tickets:
31/03 at 20:00 to 16/05 20:00


Info to be updated soon.
Psst!. You can also pay in installments 😍
3 to 5 workshops130
Workshops pack 6 or more120
Seminarium with Sara & Ivan (4 lessons x 1,5h + show, max 15 couples)550
Master Class with Yanina & Emmanuel (3 lessons x 2h + show, max 9 couples)750
Pink pack (All milongas)680
White pack (Evening milongas)450
Evening Thursday85
Afternoon Friday (Indiv.)65
Afternoon Sat. Sun. (Indiv.)75
Evening Friday (Indiv.)140
Evening Saturday (Indiv.)160
Evening Sunday (Indiv.)115
Meals (optional)Price
Second course45
Spectacle "Tango Moja Miłość"Price
Theatre Nowy access110
Water Route TourPrice
Access to the activity60
3 to 5 workshops28
Workshops pack 6 or more26
Seminarium with Sara & Ivan (4 lessons x 1,5h + show, max 15 couples)140
Master Class with Yanina & Emmanuel (3 lessons x 2h + show, max 9 couples)200
Pink pack (All milongas)165
White pack (Evening milongas)120
Evening Thursday20
Afternoon Friday (Indiv.)16
Afternoon Sat. Sun. (Indiv.)18
Evening Friday (Indiv.)35
Evening Saturday (Indiv.)40
Evening Sunday (Indiv.)28
Meals (optional)Price
Second course12
Spectacle "Tango Moja Miłość"Price
Theatre Nowy access27
Water Route TourPrice
Access to the activity15
WorkshopsEarly Birds
3 to 5 workshops120
Workshops pack 6 or more110
Seminarium with Sara & Ivan (4 lessons x 1,h + show, max 15 couples)500
Master Class with Yanina & Emmanuel (3 lessons x 2h + show, max 9 couples)700
MilongasEarly Birds
Pink pack (All milongas)600
White pack (Evening milongas)420
Evening Th.80
Afternoon (one) (Fr, Sat, Sun)65
Evening Fr, Sun (one)115
Evening Sat. (one)145
Meals (optional)Price
Second course45
Spectacle "Tango Moja Miłość"Price
Theatre Nowy access110
Water Route TourPrice
Access to the activity60
WorkshopsEarly Birds
3 to 5 workshops120
Workshops pack 6 or more110
Seminarium with Sara & Ivan (4 lessons x 1,h + show, max 15 couples)500
Master Class with Yanina & Emmanuel (3 lessons x 2h + show, max 9 couples)700
MilongasEarly Birds
Pink pack (All milongas)600
White pack (Evening milongas)420
Evening Th.80
Afternoon (one) (Fr, Sat, Sun)65
Evening Fr, Sun (one)115
Evening Sat. (one)145
Meals (optional)Price
Second course45
Spectacle "Tango Moja Miłość"Price
Theatre Nowy access110
Water Route TourPrice
Access to the activity60

It is best to register if you want to be sure you will participate in the events you dream of. Registration is possible from February 14 at 20:00 until May 15, at 20:00.
From the very beginning of registration, you can choose individual milongas and workshops; you can also purchase packages related to admission to milongas and seminars, including several workshops, which can only be purchased in full.

Workshops and seminars

The number of places at the workshops is limited. Most of them accept a maximum of 17 pairs, but there are also greater restrictions. The MasterClass seminar with Yanina and Emmanuel is limited to 9 couples ONLY. So it's worth hurrying!

This year, we gave up specifying level requirements because practice has shown that the workshop topics themselves cause them to be chosen by dancers with the necessary skills. The exception is the already mentioned MasterClass Seminar. We invite teachers and advanced dancers.


Admission to milongas is also limited because we want to ensure that participants can dance comfortably. Evening and night milongas (we treat them as a whole) are very popular, and in the case of the Farewell Milonga in the Guido Mine, 320m underground, the number of dancers is limited to 200 people.

A performance at the New Theater

The New Theater, the beautiful former Casino of the Donnersmarck Steelworks, has only 250 seats. So it's not worth delaying.

Water Route, i.e. Underground Rafting down the Queen Luiza Adit

It was a hit of the previous edition of MTF. The interest was so great that further trips had to be ordered. Limited to 17 people.


You can order them now by registering for the festival; we know from experience that this is the most convenient option. We do it too!

Registration is currently closed

If you have any trouble seeing the entire form, you can still register here

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May Tango Festival - All Rights Reserved 2025 - Designed with 🩷 by MENA Studio